вторник, 10 июня 2008 г.

Meeting on Virtual School Set for Plantation

Former U.S. Education Secretary William Bennett will host a meeting in Plantation tonight for parents interested in a new Internet school his company is starting in Florida this year.

The Florida Legislature this spring created two pilot programs for "virtual schools" -- taxpayer-funded schools that allow students to learn from home, over the Internet. A teacher monitors their progress but a parent or guardian does most of the teaching.

The virtual schools are open to students in grades K-8, though students who will be in grades 2-8 must have been enrolled in a Florida public school during the 2002-03 school year.

Bennett's school is Virginia-based K12. New Connections Academy by Sylvan is running the other virtual school. They will be holding four meetings for Broward parents next week.

The virtual school year starts Sept. 2. Students will be considered public school students and will take the FCAT.

A parent who enrolls a child in the virtual school receives a computer, printer and Internet access. Curriculum is downloaded from K12's website and parents instruct their children with online lessons.

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